Tuesday 13 March 2012


Classwork for those who missed:  Pair conversations - assessed.  Chat room question and answers - on 'rendezvous' under 'chat rooms'.
Revise irregular verb VENIR (to come) in the present tense
je viens
tu viens
il vient
nous venons
vous venez
ils viennent
The verb VENIR - followed by 'de' and 'an infinitive' is used to construct a tense called the 'Passe Recent'.  This tense indicates something that just happened.
eg Je viens de manger un croque-monsieur.  - I just ate a ham and cheese toastie.
Nous venons d'arriver a l'ecole.  We just arrived at school.

Thursday 8 March 2012


Test on pouvoir, vouloir, devoir, savoir in the present tense
Revise -RE verbs in the present tense 
VENDRE - to sell
je vends
tu vends
il vend
nous vendons
vous vendez
ils vendent

Conversation practice
Homework set for Wednesday 14/3/12 - http://moodle.vermontsc.vic.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=16683

Tuesday 6 March 2012


Correct homework sheet on Pouvoir, Vouloir, Savoir, Devoir
Play Old Maid game with Reflexive verbs